science note cell division grade 10
Cell-division The formation of new cells from persisting cell is called cell division. It is of two types. They are as follows. i) Mitosis cell division (mitotic cell division) ii) Meiosis cell division (meiotic cell division) i) Mitosis cell division (mitotic cell division) The cell division in which daughter cells are formed from a mother cell is called mitosis cell division (mitotic cell division). In this cell division, the number of chromosomes in each daughter cell is equal to the number of chromosomes in each mother cell. This cell division occurs in somatic cell. ii) Meiosis cell division (meiotic cell division) The cell division in which four daughter cells are formed from the a mother cell is called Meiosis cell division (meiotic cell division).In this cell division, the number of chromosomes in each daughter cell is half in comparison to the number of chromosomes in mother cells. This cell division occurs in reproductive cell. In details. i) Mi...