science note ionic equilibrium

Ionic equilibrium
    When certain electrolyte is dissolve in watter, it split into two type of ions, one carry positive charge and another carrying negative charge. The positive charge carrying species are called cation and negative charge carrying species are called anion.
      Under this condition, equilibriup exist between undissociated ions. This type of equilibrium exist between undissociated electrolyte molecule and dissociated ion is called ionic equilibrium.
     As the chemical equilibrium, ionic equilibrium is dynamic in nature i,e even in equilibrium condition, the reaction is going on.
    But the concentration of specific involved will not change with time because in equilibrium condition both reaction proceed with same rate.
     Let  us suppose, eletrolyte AB which dissociates as follows.
 Here, forward reaction is ionization reaction and backward reaction is association reaction. Therefore, in ionic equilibrium condition , the rate of ionization will be equal to rate of ionization will be equal to rate of association.
Arrhenius theory of Ionization
1.When electrolyte is dissolve in water, it splits into two types of ions. One carrying positive charge and another carrying negative charge. The positive charge species are called cation and negative charge carrying species are called anion.
2. Total sum of positive charge in solution is equal to negative charge so that solution is electrically neutral.
3. When electricity is passed through electrolytic solution, anion migrates towards anode and cation migrates towards cathode.
4. Ionic equilibrium that is established between dissociated electrolyte and dissociated ion is dynamic in nature.
5. The property of the electrolyte solution is due to the property of ion.
6. Electrical conductivity depends on number of ions which is governed by degree of dissociation.

Degree of dissociation (Ionization)
It is defined as the fractional of molecules that is dissociated into ions. It is represented by


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