Article On Guitar


Article On Guitar

Guitar is a musical instrument which is made up of string along with wood. Strings are made up of steel or nylon. Guitar has generally 6 strings but It's number varies in Bass Guitar. Guitar are of various types.  

But major types of guitar are as follows:


  • 1. Bass Guitar
  • 2. Rhythm Guitar
  • 3. Lead Guitar


   Generally Bass Guitar has 4 string which has more radius of string. Rhythm Guitar and Lead Guitar has 6 strings. Rhythm Guitar is of Acoustic guitar generally. And Lead Guitar is generally of Electric guitar. The choice depends upon the guitarists. In guitar, various instrument are also used, like: Amplifier, Zoom etc. Amplifier is used for amplification of volume and Zoom is used for giving variety of music. Guitar Zoom has various option for selection. Different selection gives different type of music. The structure of guitar depends upon the manufacturing company. Guitar has also own history. With the development of technology, guitar came in variety choice.


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