Article On TASER M26C


Article On TASER M26C

   Taser is a Self-defense product which is sold by Taser International which uses electrical current. It is currently used by police to disperse the croud during demonstration. Other people also can take this product under the licence agreement of the government. It is illegal to use without the permission of government. TASER M26C is advance technology which use compressed Nitrogen for attacking. TASER M26C transmits electrical pulses by the way of wires which penetrate into the body. It may contain cameras also.
- Sessory and Motor function (Part of peripheral nervous system)
- Don't cause permanent damage.
Permit to use:
It depends upon country law but generally it is legal to
-security personnel
It comes in different size and structure. Buyer can select from different variety.
It depends upon manufracture.

Note: It is safe because it doesn't cause permanent damage to attacker. It will not affect mental system of attacker for ever.

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