Structure | Let us C solution with details description and tutorials | yashwant kanetkar


Chapter: Structure | Let us C solution with details description and tutorials |  yashwant kanetkar

S.N Chapter S.N Chapter
1 Decision Control Structure 5 Arrays
2 The Loop Control Structure 6 Puppetting On Strings 
3 The Case Control Structure 7 Structures
4 Function and Pointer 8 Input/Output in C

 [D] Attempt the following:

(a) Create a structure to specify data on students given below: Roll number, Name, Department, Course, Year of joining Assume that there are not more than 450 students in the collage.
(a) Write a function to print names of all students who joined in a particular year.
(b) Write a function to print the data of a student whose roll number is given.

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(b) Create a structure to specify data of customers in a bank. The data to be stored is: Account number, Name, Balance in account. Assume maximum of 200 customers in the bank.
(a) Write a function to print the Account number and name of each customer with balance below Rs. 100.
(b) If a customer request for withdrawal or deposit, it is given in the form:
Acct. no, amount, code (1 for deposit, 0 for withdrawal) Write a program to give a message, "The balance is insufficient for the specified withdrawal".

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(c) An automobile company has serial number for engine parts starting from AA0 to FF9. The other characteristics of parts to be specified in a structure are: Year of manufacture, material and quantity manufactured.
(a) Specify a structure to store information corresponding to a part.
(b) Write a program to retrieve information on parts with serial numbers between BB1 and CC6.

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(d) A record contains name of cricketer, his age, number of test matches that he has played and the average runs that he has scored in each test match. Create an array of structure to hold records of 20 such cricketer and then write a program to read these records and arrange them in ascending order by average runs. Use the qusort( ) standard library function.

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(e) There is a structure called employee that holds information like employee code, name, date of joining. Write a program to create an array of the structure and enter some data into it. Then ask the user to enter current date. Display the names of those employees whose tenure is 3 or more than 3 years according to the given current date.

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(f) Write a menu driven program that depicts the working of a library. The menu options should be:
1. Add book information
2. Display book information
3. List all books of given author
4. List the title of specified book
5. List the count of books in the library
6. List the books in the order of accession number
7. Exit
Create a structure called library to hold accession number, title of the book, author name, price of the book, and flag indicating whether book is issued or not.

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(g) Write a program that compares two given dates. To store date use structure say date that contains three members namely date, month and year. If the dates are equal then display message as "Equal" otherwise "Unequal".

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(h) Linked list is a very common data structure often used to store similar data in memory. While the elements of an array occupy contiguous memory locations, those of a linked list are not constrained to be stored in adjacent location. The individual elements are stored "somewhere" in memory, rather like a family dispersed, but still bound together. The order of the elements is maintained by explicit links between them. Thus, a linked list is a collection of elements called nodes, each of which stores two item of information - an element of the list, and a link, i.e., a pointer or an address that indicates explicitly the location of the node containing the successor of this list element. Write a program to build a linked list by adding new nodes at the beginning, at the end or in the middle of the linked list. Also write a function display() which display all the nodes present in the linked list.

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(i) A stack is a data structure in which addition of new element or deletion of existing element always takes place at the same end. This end is often known as 'top' of stack. This situation can be compared to a stack of plates in a cafeteria where every new plate taken off the stack is also from the 'top' of the stack. There are several application where stack can be put to use. For example, recursion, keeping track of function calls, evaluation of expressions, etc. Write a program to implement a stack using a linked list.

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(j) Unlike a stack, in a queue the addition of new element takes place at the end (called 'rear' of queue) whereas deletion takes place at the other end (called 'front' of queue). Write a program to implement a queue using a linked list.

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